
The compass to success in Giants Planet.

🔵 What is BGPS?

The BGPS token, built on the BRC20 protocol as Giants Planet Sentinels, is the backbone of the Giants Planet Economy. Positioned as the central currency, BGPS facilitates seamless transactions and unlocks a diverse array of in-game and real-life rewards within the Giants Planet ecosystem.

  • Ticker: BGPS

  • Token Standard: BRC-20

  • Supply: 88 Billion (88,000,000,000)

  • Launch: Q2 2024

Core Attributes

  • Token Essence: BGPS fuels the economic vitality of Giants Planet, akin to a GPS guiding users to success and discovery.

  • Dynamic Tokenomics: Driven by AI, the tokenomics of BGPS are dynamically aligned with live market conditions and community sentiments.

  • Circulation: An expansive supply of 88 Billion tokens underscores the vast potential of the Giants Planet universe.

🔑 Token Utility

  • Gaming: Preferred Gaming Currency: BGPS stands as the preferred gaming currency across all Giants Planet Games. Players can utilize BGPS for in-game transactions and competitive rewards, fostering an enriched gaming experience.

  • Community: Community Airdrops: BGPS enables community engagement by facilitating airdrops for contributors, fostering inclusivity and rewarding active participation.

  • Marketplace: Preferred Transaction Currency: BGPS is the preferred currency for all transactions within the Giants Planet Marketplace. This ensures a streamlined and secure exchange of assets and services.

  • Launchpad: Project Launchpad: BGPS plays a pivotal role in launching partner projects and collections under the Giants Planet Ecosystem, offering a gateway for new ventures and innovative creations.

🔵 How To Earn BGPS

Last updated