Founding Explorers

Collection Overview

The Founding Explorers is a collection of 222 Ordinals that symbolizes the beginning of an unprecedented journey where the community contributes to the growth and prosperity of Giants Planet. Only 222 cosmic pioneers are chosen to embark on this thrilling journey.

Picture yourself as a daring space explorer equipped with a cool spacesuit and ready to soar through the cosmos. Through this cosmic bond, only 222 individuals will help to steer the path of Giants Planet's future and unlock a galaxy of unprecedented benefits and possibilities.

Value Proposition

The Founding Explorers collection is designed to provide immense value to early holders by offering an array of compounding benefits and utilities.

Holders Utility

  • Preferential Whitelist: Exclusive access to upcoming project releases and events.

  • Access To Brands Partners: Connect with renowned brands partnered with Giants Planet.

  • Exclusive Lounge In Discord: Join a private community space for Founding Explorers.

  • First Access Info: Receive early updates and information about the Giants Planet ecosystem.

  • In-Real-Life Events: Invitation to exclusive offline events organised by Giants Planet.

  • Pre-IPO Shares Allocation: Opportunity for pre-Initial Public Offering shares allocation.

  • Direct Team Contacts: Direct communication channels with the Giants Planet team.

  • BGPS Private Sales: Access private sales for the Giants Planet native token (BGPS).

  • BGPS Airdrops: Eligibility for periodic airdrops of BGPS tokens.

  • AI Launchpad Privileges: Ability to launch NFTs, tokens, and games through our AI Launchpad.

Last updated