
The concept is to use public and verifiable data (like a block's information) as a seed for generating random numbers or attributes. This data is then processed using multiple hash functions, each specified by an inscription ID. This approach can be used in various applications, such as:

  • Digital Assets: Ensuring the randomness and uniqueness of attributes assigned to digital assets.

  • Smart Contracts: Generating secure and unpredictable outcomes in smart contract executions.

  • Games: Creating random game elements or loot in a secure manner.

Example: Applying GP Protocol in a Game

  1. Role Creation

  • Scenario: A player creates a new game character.

  • Attributes:

    • Attack: 90

    • Defend: 20

    • Element: Wind

    • Metaprotocol and Metadata:




      "Attack": "90",

      "Defend": "20",

      "Element": "Wind"



Inscription ID: game_character_inscription

  1. Role Upgrade

  • Scenario: The player joins the Assassin group.

  • New Attributes:

    • Class: Assassin

  • Metaprotocol, Metadata, and Parent ID:


    "Giant": {

    "Class": "Assassin"



Parent ID : game_character_inscription_0in

  1. Claiming Upgraded Role

  • Scenario: The player claims the upgraded character.

  • Process: The player sends a rune to claim the new attributes.

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